Maritim proArte Hotel Berlin – dining with flair

Fine dining in the restaurant of the Maritim proArte hotel in Berlin. © 2011, Muenzenberg Medien, photo: Stefan Pribnow

Berlin, Germany (Weltexpress). Take a stroll Unter den Linden and land on Friedrichstraße 151 – there you will find the Maritim proArte Hotel.

Known for its grand service, the city hotel features stylish snacks and fine dining.

High on the priority list – Maritim’s Candle-Light-Dinner where ambience meets art.

The Atelier Restaurant is an aesthetic treat where artists Philippe Starch and Peter Kuckei – from the artist group, “Die Jungen Wilden,” share their work.

Top international culinary delights include a Mauritisches Hummerfestival – sea food lovers who enjoy lobster will enjoy the buffet.

In the Bistro Media, warm and cold snacks including sandwiches with front window viewing onto the Friedrich Strasse is uplifting and entertaining.

Delicacies from across the Berlin region are specialties in the Maritim proArte.

For Berlin cuisine lovers, a cookbook – Berlin-Brandenburg Stories, is available.

On your next trip to Unter den Linden – Stadtmitte, enjoy the flair and excellent dining experience at Maritim proArte Hotel.

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