Berlin, Germany (Weltexpress). Below we document a statement by the Ethecon Foundation on the current climate crisis.

“On the occasion of their joint spring meeting on 20 March 2022, the Board of Trustees and the Executive Board of ethecon Foundation & Economics published a joint statement entitled “The Plant is Burning!” In which they took a stand on the global ecological catastrophe that is being dramatically accelerated by the war that has recently broken out, the global rearmament frenzy that has just started, and the gas and nuclear greenwashing in the Western industrial nations. The Foundation fully supports the Secretary General of the United Nations and condemns the actions or inactions of the Western industrialised nations as “criminal”. At the same time, it joins him in calling for the ACTUAL “immediate phase-out of all climate-damaging forms of energy!” In addition, ethecon demands the immediate cessation of all wars and the immediate end to all rearmament. The foundation is wholeheartedly on the side of the youth whose future is being robbed for the ruthless realisation of profits. The “system change” demanded by Fridays For Future must be taken seriously – the profit economy must give way to an economy of solidarity.

The Secretary General of the United Nations/ UN, António Guterres stated on 28 February at the presentation of the report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change/ IPPC: “Almost half of humanity lives in the danger zone – now. For many ecosystems, there is no turning back – now. Unchecked carbon pollution is leading […] on a forced march to ruin – now. The facts are indisputable. “

But the UN’s dramatic cry of alarm once again went unheard. On the contrary, we are forced to experience the inconceivable: Armament and war instead of saving the climate and the planet! It is above all the young generation whose future is being robbed in this way that is suffering.

Since the foundation was established in 2004, members of the responsible bodies of the international ethecon foundation have traditionally used their spring meeting to address the public with a “Joint Declaration” on current explosive issues in world affairs.

This year, on 20 March 2022, they addressed the topic:

“The planet is on fire! Collapse of ecology hits most of all youth!”

“Capitalism demonstrates very vividly that it is not capable of solving the most urgent problems of our time, and that society therefore needs a reversal,” says ethecon benefactor Anders Bjerre Mikkelsen from Denmark, author of the ethecon Foundation’s climate brochure.

ethecon Foundation Ethics & Economics demands:

  • Immediate phase-out of all climate-damaging forms of energy!
  • Immediate switch to environmentally friendly energies!
  • No nuclear and gas greenwashing!
  • No money for a global arms race!
  • All money for peace, social justice and immediate measures to save the ecology of the planet.
  • Unreserved support for youth in their struggles to save the climate.
  • The social order must be changed. Away from personal gain to an economy where people and the environment actually come before profit.
  • The primacy of profit must be replaced by the primacy of solidarity and friendship between peoples.
  • Corporations with environmentally damaging production must immediately be placed under democratic control.

The full declaration can be found as a pdf in the appendix and here.”

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