Swedish Professors: “Everything indicates that SARS-CoV-2 will remain, as a recurring seasonal virus”

Coronavirus SARS-VoV-2 COVID-19. Source: Pixabay

Stockholm, Sweden; Berlin, Germany (Weltexpress). Virology professors from Sweden’s leading universities wrote in the newspaper “Dagens Nyheter” that SARS-CoV-2 cannot be eradicated and will remain as a recurring seasonal virus, urging people to “learn to live with it”. On the bright side, despite immunity being short-lived, the virus is likely to lose some of its potency over time.

Three Swedish professors of virology, Lennart Svensson of Linköping University, Åke Lundkvist of Uppsala University and Anders Widell of Lund University, have concluded that even a very high vaccination rate of more than 90 percent doesn’t fully stop the spread of COVID-19 infection, as witnessed by examples across the globe.

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