Making the best of mobile technology – ThoughtWorks connects in Berlin

Berlin, Germany (Weltexpress). ThoughtWorks specializes in creating technology that makes a positive change in the world. Shaping ideas through creative development was evident during a briefing held in Berlin – designers converged in an open dialogue where “Making the Best of Mobile Technology” truly indicates the future will be in our pockets.

The mobile, cell phone, handy – call it what you like, designers are stretching their imagination.

Digital design as we know it will take on a completely different meaning – fingers on the keys as we knew it is being replaced by touch and voice.

Using our senses will change the way we live and designers are highly excited by the reality – we will no longer be trapped and all aspects of life will be carried or worn as we move.

Watches, optical lenses, and even clothing will augment reality – getting us how to think differently is what technolgy designers are focusing on.

Interacting with devices will create a full content lifestyle – domestic, business and pleasure will never be the same.

Changing behavior in digital time means we will do things faster – purchase faster, communicate faster and basically organize our lives at an unimaginable rate.

Just how fast are we moving?

Design vs Vision b Copyright ThoughtWorksIn 2020, 6.58 connected devices – per person, will be used – daily.

Reaching 50 million consumers using radio took 38 years, with TV 13 years, by internet 4 years and mobile – only 2 years.

A day in the life of product design creates links and makes us think more – locally.

A good mobile has to enter our world with practicle design and ample features.

In order to do this, designers took to the coffee shops and asked consumers directly what they wanted.

Testing and re-testing by gathering knowledge in the streets proved far more advantageous than sitting in a lab.

Creating interactive sketches provided rapid validation – participatory collaboration with people on the street – without paying a cent for the information, was the easiest way to meet consumers using the devices.

Mobile technology today is challenging – eventual designs will continue to grow at a rapid pace and consumer competition is the measuring stick.

In turn, our lives become part of the experimental design. As the world turns, we turn with it – the best of mobile technolgy is highly compatible and will continue to enrich our lives.

How quickly we adapt to the designs and their application to everyday lifestyle is something we can look forward to.

No doubt, ThoughtWorks will brief us in the very near future.

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