Berlin, Germany (Weltexpress). Finally an avocado without the poison and bile, right? True enough, connoisseurs and critics alike cannot avoid spitting venom and bile when it comes to avocados, because although there is no bile in them, there is poison. No, it is not about the stone of the avocado, which is often processed. It is true that the avocado stone contains the poison persin, but so does the rest of the ‘shoot’.

There are artificial fertilisers and pesticides in avocados, which is why you should stay away from most fruits from the laurel family. ‘Farmer, save us from this berry’, you might think, which is grown in dozens of varieties. Is it already 500?

If it has to be one, then let it be an organically grown avocado. A limited liability company from the Kingdom of the Netherlands – the kingdom is not really known for its organic produce – or to be more precise, Eosta B.V., promises the product called ‘Organic Raingrown Avocado’. In addition, the Fruit Logistica homepage states that ‘Eosta… offers a sustainable solution’ for avocado cultivation: ‘the Organic Raingrown Avocado. These avocados are grown with rainwater in regions where the natural conditions are ideal. They help to solve the problem of water scarcity and eliminate the need for artificial fertilisers and pesticides.’

The manufacturer promises that the organic rainforest avocados are grown without pesticides or artificial fertilisers and that no irrigation is necessary, only ‘natural rainwater’. Trust is good, control is better. We want to find out more about this sustainable avocado and get in touch with the manufacturers and farmers.

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