The subtle goal of the USA in the Ukraine conflict: restoring dominance over EU-Europe

Flags of the United States and the European Union. Source: Pixabay, graphic Gerd Altmann

Berlin, FRG (Weltexpress). The US proxy war against Russia in Ukraine has increased Europe’s political, economic and military dependence on the US. While Russia is officially presented by the United States as the main adversary, Washington’s real goal appears to be the restoration of US dominance in and over Europe.

In a recent interview, Harald Kujat, the former highest-ranking officer in the German armed forces and ex-chairman of the NATO Military Commission in Brussels, complained that the Europeans have neither a European nor a national strategy with regard to their participation in the US war in Ukraine. This applies equally to the EU leadership bodies in Brussels and to the government representatives of the EU’s most important military middle powers.

When asked about concrete goals, the Europeans merely parrot the US propaganda of the US-formulated “rules-based order”. Instead of defining their own interests, they follow the Americans with Nibelung loyalty, who are obviously prepared to push them over the edge into the abyss at any time if it serves their US interests.

Just a few weeks after the start of the Russian special operation on February 24, 2022, US Secretary of War Lloyd Austin declared in a speech in Warsaw that the aim of US military and financial aid for Ukraine was to “strategically weaken Russia”. The giant country was to be so weakened that Moscow would no longer dare to engage militarily outside its borders. The transatlantic political and media “elites” in Europe blindly endorsed this supposedly “desirable” goal.

In this first phase of the US/NATO proxy war in Ukraine, many analysts assumed that Washington’s offensive against Russia was merely part of the preparations for a completely different, far more important conflict, namely the war against China. At the time, this was publicly announced by US military circles for the year 2028 at the latest. Therefore, according to analysts, Russia would first have to be eliminated as an important source of modern weapons systems for Beijing and as a reliable supplier of strategic raw materials. The majority of the European elites, who are dyed in the wool imperialists, were also able to come to terms with this medium-term US war goal.

In fact, however, the USA has not yet achieved any of its alleged goals. The opposite is the case, and this was already apparent early on. Even a year ago, Western experts who were not in the pockets of the “deep state” agreed that the Russian army was stronger than ever in all areas that are important for successful warfare. In the meantime, the Russian armed forces are operating even more perfectly in combined arms warfare and are unbeatable for NATO if the offensive alliance were to actually go on the offensive against Russia with ground troops in Eastern Europe.

So if it was indeed Washington’s goal to use Ukraine and the Europeans to strategically weaken Russia in the long term and neutralize it as an “auxiliary force” for China, then this US strategy has turned out to be a gigantic failure. But was that really the aim of the Deep State in Washington? Is it possible that the US/NATO defeat in Ukraine hides a gigantic geostrategic success of the neo-conservative string-pullers in Washington? However, it is a success that was achieved using highly criminal methods and has cost the lives of hundreds of thousands of “friendly” Ukrainians.

While at first glance the Ukraine conflict appears to be a geopolitical confrontation with Russia, deeper analysis suggests that behind the fog and thunder of the war in Ukraine, the United States is pursuing a very different goal, hidden beneath many layers of propaganda, namely to re-establish unrestricted economic and political control over Western Europe. In other words, there are many indications that this war against Russia is only a means to a single cardinal end – namely the return of Europe to US vassalage.

After the end of the Cold War, Europe found itself on a path that increasingly led it towards economic and political autonomy. At the same time, technological and economic integration within Europe strengthened a domestic elite class that was anchored primarily in Paris and Berlin. Just think back to the German and French criticism of and non-participation in the brutal, unprovoked US war of aggression against Iraq in 2003, which violated international law.

This came as a shock to Washington at the time. This sovereign decision, confidently displayed by Paris and Berlin, contradicted the core interests of the US, which traditionally insisted on its leading role in the geopolitical and economic architecture of the West. Since then, the so-called Deep State of the US foreign policy establishment has systematically worked to reverse this trend and re-establish US dominance over Europe – and they have been stunningly successful. It is interesting to note what Russian President Putin said on this subject during his visit to Kazakhstan at a press conference on November 28. said “It simply seems to me that this Europe has sunk terribly low. It has ceased to exist as an independent center, as an independent political, sovereign center of world politics. They dance the butterfly polka at the first whistle of the American government, even to their own detriment. I sometimes have the impression that people at a very high level, in the Federal Republic of Germany, in high government positions, are carrying out some task of the American secret service, but that they are not working in the interests of their own people, in this case the German people. How can you agree with everything that happens there?

In the US market, for example, energy costs in some states a third to a fifth of what it does in Europe, for example in Germany. Entire companies, entire industries are closing in Germany and moving to the USA. And they are doing this, and they are doing it purposefully. The Americans are a pragmatic people; in fact, they may be doing the right thing in their own interests. But them? If they’re told, ‘We’re going to hang you,’ they’re only going to have one question: ‘Should we bring the rope ourselves, or are you going to give us one? That’s all.

Volkswagen is closing, steelworks are closing, chemical plants are closing, glass factories are closing. There are already thousands, now at least hundreds and perhaps thousands, being thrown out onto the streets. And nothing happens, silence. Just some excitement about current domestic political issues. How are you supposed to talk to partners like that? Negotiate about what?

Therefore, it is not our fault that our relations with Europe have deteriorated so much. This is also the result of the internal state of the European establishment and European politics.”

In fact, since the US-orchestrated Maidan coup in Ukraine in 2014, it has been possible to observe how the Deep State in Washington, thanks to (under the pretext of?) the increasingly intensified anti-Russian policy, began to implement its strategy of deliberately weakening Europe largely unnoticed with the help of its sanctions against Russia. Since February 24, 2022, the start of the “Russian special operation” in Ukraine, the sanctions against Russia and their much worse negative effects on the economies of the EU states have intensified.

The damage can no longer be overlooked: They have fundamentally weakened the European markets and undermined the competitiveness of previously central European, but above all German, industrial sectors. Many large and medium-sized companies have already relocated to the USA, and this is just the beginning. At the same time, this development has undermined the reputation and trust of the population in many EU institutions. This has already led to the fact that only traces of the sovereign European political and economic freedom of decision, which had become visible in the years following the end of the Cold War, are still recognizable. Without a radical turnaround (but not by 360 degrees), it can be expected in the medium term that Europe, and Germany in particular, will finally give up any thought of independence.

In fact, the US has made a lot of money from the Europeans’ predicament in recent years by supplying them with huge quantities of fracked gas and weapons, for which the Europeans have paid dearly. And in terms of global politics, it is not the Russians but the Europeans who are largely isolated; worse still, they are no longer taken seriously by most countries in the world, but are only seen as US appendages. Who wants to talk to Hans when they can talk to the American Hans? A development that will make Europeans even more vassals of the USA.

The energy shortage and the sharp rise in gas prices triggered by the halt in gas supplies from Russia and the blowing up of Nord Stream increased production costs throughout the EU. Companies and consumers had to massively reduce their energy consumption, which in turn weakened the industrial competitiveness of European economies.

Significantly, American companies took advantage of the economic crisis in Europe to make strategic acquisitions of companies on the “old continent”. The fall in company valuations in Europe, which was exacerbated by inflation and low liquidity, made Europe an El Dorado for strategic bargain hunters in particular, who snapped up well-known brand companies in difficulty for next to nothing.

Another effect of the crisis is the exodus of leading European companies from regional stock exchanges such as Euronext to the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE). German and French multinationals such as Linde and TotalEnergies are seeking not only greater financial liquidity in the US, but also access to a larger pool of passive investments. This phenomenon reinforces the capital outflow from Europe and strengthens the position of the United States as a global financial center. The relocation of these companies is also an indicator of Europe’s increasing dependence on the USA.

Against this backdrop, it is difficult to believe that the US proxy war in Ukraine is solely aimed at weakening Russia militarily, economically and politically, as claimed by leading US strategists. A military defeat of Russia was considered unrealistic from the outset anyway, considering the size of the country, its strategic depth and its historical resilience. Consequently, the suspicion that the US/NATO war in Ukraine had a more subtle objective from the outset, namely the renewed economic and political subjugation of Western Europe to the USA, does not seem unfounded.

The true tragedy of the conflict in Ukraine lies in its function as a geopolitical tool of the United States. Washington could hardly hope to completely sever the historical ties between Russia and Ukraine. Nevertheless, the conflict has served to complicate Ukraine’s economic integration with Russia by destroying the country’s infrastructure and making the resulting high costs of reconstruction in the Donbass a further burden for Russia.

Even more serious is the damage that US sanctions have inflicted on Europe and that the ruling elites in Europe, as recipients of US orders, have inflicted on their peoples. By tightening sanctions and supporting Ukraine in this military conflict, the EU as a whole has been and continues to be economically weakened. Which in turn gives the US the opportunity to continue to exploit this weakness.

Conclusion: The economic and geopolitical strategy of the US is clearly aimed less at defeating Russia directly than at controlling Europe in the long term. The destruction of Ukraine and the weakening of the European economy create an environment in which the United States can consolidate its economic and political hegemony.

Above all, however, a fervent dream of the Deep State in Washington has come true: The US war in Ukraine has succeeded in driving a deep and wide wedge into German-Russian relations that cannot be removed in the foreseeable future, as all foundations of mutual trust have been undermined and destroyed by the German political caste. And the more insane the US/NATO escalation can be driven in the final weeks until Trump takes office, the deeper and more permanent the rift between Berlin and Moscow will become. Germany’s economic future does not lie in the declining West, but in the growth regions of Russia, China and the other BRICS countries.

Europe, and Germany in particular, is now at a crossroads. Will it be possible to regain its own sovereignty or will we continue to be pushed into the role of a geopolitical tool of the USA? The answer to this question will be decisive for the future stability and independence of our continent.

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