The background to Zelensky’s fake “victory plan” – Series: NATO to the front (Part 1/2)

Two warmongers and war presidents in one room: Vladimir Selensky, who made a name for himself as a penis pianist and naked guitar player, cokehead and capitalist, oligarch and presidential actor before he became the third war president of Ukraine called Kokaine and Banderastan, and the senile, shrewd and corrupt Joseph Biden (DP). (Archive image) Source: Oval Office of the White House in Washington

Berlin, FRG (Weltexpress). Ukrainian ruler Selenskij’s military is on the verge of collapse. His brain, clouded by years of drug use, sees salvation only in NATO’s direct involvement in the war. He finds a sympathetic ear among Russophobes in Washington and London – others shy away from the consequences.

In Ukraine, the fighting power of the troops of ex-president and illegal ruler Zelensky, whose term of office expired last March, is crumbling along the entire thousand kilometer long front. Since then, he has illegally usurped power and has repeatedly filled the financially very lucrative ministerial posts of his illegal government with compliant criminal colleagues. Now, however, the second-rate professional actor Selenskij seems to realize that the end of his presidential role is approaching ever faster unless he succeeds in involving the US/NATO more actively and directly in the war against Russia.

Julian Röpcke from Bild headlined “Selenskij’s fateful speech in Kiev: Ukraine has only one chance left!”, and that is his “victory plan”, which is now supposed to bring about a turnaround. NATO servant Zelensky wants to sell this to his “allies” as part of an extended tour of the USA and other NATO countries. As proof of their much-vaunted, boundless solidarity with Ukraine, he wants to invite the NATO elites to commit collective political, but possibly also physical suicide with his “BIG Plan”.

After all, Zelensky’s new “victory plan” is no less absurd than his previous 10-point peace plan. In addition to Russia’s capitulation, it also called for its complete withdrawal from the Donbass and Crimea and the payment of reparations to Ukraine. At the beginning of the year, during the real satire in the form of the “International Peace Conference” in Switzerland, it was promoted by the US/NATO and their supporters in the absence of Russia with much media fanfare.

Here is Selenskij’s new 3-point victory plan:

1 Selensky wants US or British, French and German long-range missiles to destroy command and communications and reconnaissance centers, military bases, airfields, ammunition and fuel depots and other important infrastructure deep in the European part of Russia.

2. he demands from the West (USA/NATO) that NATO air defense systems fend off Russian retaliatory strikes against western Ukraine from Polish and Romanian territory so that Ukraine can move its own air defense systems closer to the front.

3. he also demands a guarantee from the West that it will become even more militarily involved on the ground in Ukraine, for example by sending ground troops to certain parts of Ukraine to set free Ukrainian soldiers who could then be sent to the front.

Selensky recently expressed his conviction at the grandiloquently named “Yalta European Security Conference” in Kiev that Russia would be forced to withdraw after this campaign and that Putin’s government would be destabilized and replaced, with a new, friendly leadership in the Kremlin signing a NATO-approved “peace agreement” with Ukraine.

The fact that Zelensky’s “victory plan” is tantamount to a US/NATO declaration of war on Russia has now been explained to Asian readers by Stephen Bryen, former staff director of the US Senate Middle East Subcommittee and later US Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Policy, in an article in the Asia Times, which is read throughout the greater region. On September 14, 2024, he wrote under the title “Biden, NATO effectively declaring war on Russia”. The text then reads: “There is no other way to interpret this: Washington and its NATO allies are declaring war on Russia. This is the direct meaning of Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky’s upcoming visit to Washington, where they will agree on targets inside Russia.”

“To say this is an insane, reckless move would be an understatement. This is the most dangerous step the US and NATO can take – and it will most likely lead to World War III.”

“Don’t buy into any rhetoric that “justifies” the use of long-range missiles against Russia. Putin has personally pointed out that Ukraine merely provides its territory for the deployment of the missiles, but they are fired by NATO personnel who have previously fed the target coordinates of US satellites monitoring Russian territory into the missiles.”

Here it is clearly shown how closely the US/NATO is involved in the military operations in Ukraine, which makes the situation particularly dangerous. With this analysis, Bryen is in line with many other Western critics, including former top German military general Kujat. What is happening here is a lottery game with nuclear war, led by war-hungry but inexperienced and/or stupid Russia-haters who are supposedly steering the US ship of state on behalf of the senile President Biden in Washington, but have in fact usurped power in the White House.

Unfortunately, most people in the West, especially in Germany, still believe the narrative spread more or less identically throughout the West by the state media and the corporate press that the warnings from the Kremlin need not be taken seriously this time either. The Russian excitement is just an act to intimidate Western politicians, who are supposedly overly afraid of a major war with Russia.

In fact, Russia is only interested in using this scaremongering to prevent the US/NATO from destroying important targets in the depths of Russian space. After all, Ukraine had already attacked and destroyed targets hundreds of kilometers from the Ukrainian border with its own long-range missiles, and Russia had hardly reacted at all.

But in a very serious statement, Putin drew attention to the difference between Ukraine’s relatively simple drone strikes deep inside Russia’s territory, which can be carried out independently by Kiev, and long-range, pinpoint strikes using advanced missile weapons. The latter require direct integration of the Western military and ultimately Western participation in the attacks. Many of these systems, such as the British Storm Shadow missile, require the direct intervention of the manufacturing country in order to program the coordinates.

One example of this is Germany’s refusal to supply Taurus missiles, as German technicians would have to program the target coordinates on site, which would mean their direct participation in the war.

For those who still don’t get it: When Ukraine sends its simple drones to Moscow, it can obtain the coordinates via Google Maps or other freely available databases without the need for Western involvement. But advanced missile and weapon systems are usually controlled by specially developed, top-secret software that requires special keys and programs to enter the coordinates. The Ukrainians cannot do this themselves, as the release of such digital keys could compromise the entire system of NATO countries in the event of future conflicts.

For those who are interested, here is Putin’s full statement on the subject of the alleged Western “permission” for the USA and Great Britain to attack the territory of the Russian Federation with Western long-range missiles: “There is an attempt (by the West) to mix up terms. Because it is not a question of allowing or forbidding the Kiev regime to attack Russian territory. Ukraine is already striking with the help of unmanned aircraft and other means. But when it comes to using high-precision, long-range weapons manufactured in the West, things look very different. The fact is that the Ukrainian army, as I have already said, and any expert will confirm this (both here and in the West), is not capable of striking with modern, high-precision, long-range Western-made weapons. It cannot do that. This is only possible with the help of satellite data, which Ukraine does not have – this is data that only comes from satellites of either the European Union or the United States, generally NATO satellites. That’s the first point.”

“The second and very important, perhaps decisive point is that flight missions to these missile systems can actually only be carried out by military personnel from NATO countries. Ukrainian military personnel cannot do that. So it is not a question of allowing or not allowing the Ukrainian regime to attack Russia with these weapons. It is about deciding whether NATO countries are directly involved in a military conflict or not.

“If this decision is taken, it will mean nothing other than the direct involvement of NATO countries, the United States and European countries in the war in Ukraine. That is their direct involvement. And that, of course, changes the essence, the nature of the conflict considerably. It means that the NATO countries, the United States and the European countries are at war with Russia. And if that is the case, then given the change in the nature of this conflict, we will make appropriate decisions based on the threats that will arise for us.”

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Next articleRussia’s options and possible reactions to direct participation in the war in Ukraine by the USA and other NATO countries – Series: NATO on the front line (Part 2/2)


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