Berlin, Germany (Weltexpress). The Israeli pager attack in Lebanon shows the inhuman depths to which the apartheid state of Israel has sunk. This terror was not only directed against Hezbollah, but also against doctors, rescue workers and children. Western governments and media are complicit.

The nature of this attack, which is now almost invariably attributed to the Israeli Mossad, was not only the indiscriminate use of violence against people of all ages and from all walks of life, but also a terrifying, particularly brutal example of modern terrorism. Anyone who defends or justifies these acts, whether through direct support or silence, is just as guilty as the perpetrators themselves.

The attack involved the use of pager and walkie-talkie devices, which were used not only by Hezbollah fighters, but also by medical personnel, civilians and even children. The Israeli intelligence agency Mossad, possibly with the support of the CIA, rigged these devices to explode and cause devastating injuries.

The aim was not to strategically eliminate enemies, but to mutilate and disfigure as many people as possible and thus spread terror throughout Lebanon. This attack was particularly heinous because it deliberately aimed to maim people indiscriminately. The young girl who joyfully tried to bring the buzzing pager to her father is an example of many other victims of this kind. It underlines the brutal cruelty of this operation. Her face was disfigured, her life destroyed – what had this child done to Israel?

This tragedy, which according to recent reports from Lebanon claimed the lives of around 5,000 people, was not an accident, but was carefully planned. Mossad agents sent Arabic-language messages to these pagers, according to reports from victims, asking recipients to hold them up to their faces just before the devices exploded. This calculated cruelty reveals the true aim of the attack: to spread fear and suffering on a massive scale. Those responsible did not target military combatants, as the devices were also used by many other people. Instead, they aimed to spread terror indiscriminately, without distinguishing between soldiers, civilians or children.

A crime against humanity

The indiscriminate nature of this attack constitutes a clear violation of international law and is a war crime as well as a crime against humanity. International humanitarian law, codified in the Geneva Conventionsexpressly prohibits attacks on civilians. However, Israel’s actions in this case show a blatant disregard for these principles. When a state deliberately attacks medical personnel, children and civilians, it crosses the line from military conflict to terrorist atrocity.

What makes this crime even worse is the complicity of Western governments, particularly the United States, which either turned a blind eye to the atrocity or actively supported it. By refusing to condemn these acts, they have de facto condoned them. Worse still, some have even gone out of their way to defend or justify Israel’s actions. For example, the German ARD government radio station in its “Tagesschaunews on September 19 actually found an alleged “professor of international law” who assured viewers that, in his view, the Israeli action was covered by international law.

Western complicity and the silence of the media

The role of the US government in this atrocity cannot be underestimated. It is believed that the CIA may have played a role in assisting the Mossad in carrying out this attack; and even if this involvement is not conclusively proven, the silence from Washington speaks volumes. Historically, the CIA has been involved in covert operations with the Mossad, and this incident appears to follow a similar pattern. The complexity of the operation – from preparing the pagers with explosives to securing their delivery in Lebanon to Hezbollah members and civilians alike – undoubtedly required significant logistical support that Israel alone might not have been able to provide.

The Western media also played a significant role in trivializing these atrocities. Mainstream media such as CNN implied that Hezbollah itself was responsible for the attack. By portraying Hezbollah as being on the ground and therefore capable of “desperate” actions against Israel, the Western media has created a narrative that excuses Israel’s actions as defensive measures. The reality, however, is that Hezbollah was not the primary target. The victims were doctors, rescue workers and children. Western media that refuses to hold Israel accountable is guilty of aiding and abetting this crime by obscuring the truth and minimizing the human tragedies.

US government officials were also quick to justify the attack. The official narrative was that Israel was merely defending itself against Hezbollah, a familiar rhetoric in Western discourse whenever Israeli aggression is questioned. But this justification does not stand up to the facts. The attack was not directed exclusively against Hezbollah fighters; it was designed to spread fear among the civilian population of Lebanon.

A dangerous precedent

At the same time, this Israeli terror attack sets a dangerous precedent for the future. By using everyday electronic devices such as pagers as terror weapons, the Mossad and its Western allies have opened the door for future attacks by other groups, including terrorist organizations, who may try to emulate this tactic. The ubiquity of electronic devices in modern life means that no one is safe from the threat of similar attacks. Smartphones, laptops, tablets – any of these devices could potentially be weaponized in a similar way.

This “genie” cannot be easily stuffed back into the bottle. What was once the domain of state intelligence agencies like the Mossad could now become a model for non-state actors and terrorists. Imagine the consequences if groups like ISIS , Al-Qaeda or the Ukro-Nazis start adopting this strategy, hiding explosives in common electronic devices and using them to spread terror in cities like London, Paris, New York or Moscow.

At the risk of repeating myself, it is important to emphasize that not only is Israel guilty of committing these war crimes and crimes against humanity, but the Western governments and media that defend these actions are also complicit. By justifying or excusing such atrocities, they are acting as accomplices to the criminals. Government officials in the US or other Western countries who present these acts as “defense” are deliberately covering up for terrorist acts. The media, which fails to provide honest reporting, becomes an instrument of state-sponsored terror.

In conclusion, the Pager attack was not just an attack on Hezbollah, but on the principles of human decency. The brutality of the act, coupled with the complicity of the West, marks a dark chapter in modern history. If the West does not condemn and stop these actions now, it could soon become a victim of these tactics itself.

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