„Drama“ in Berlin – Introduction of a charming greek region

St. Barbara Park in the city of Drama, Greece. © Drama

Berlin, Germany (Weltexpress). A small but however fine delegation of the Greek municipality of the town of “Drama” from the region of Eastern Macedonia and Thrace, stayed from the 26th to the 28th of March, 2015 in the German capital in order to introduce the holiday region and to attract more visitors to the “Drama” experience.

The event of introduction took place on Saturday, 27th of March at the noble Greek restaurant “Der Kretaner” situated in Berlin-Zehlendorf. This restaurant is known to have one of the finest selections of greek winery, amongst it the high quality wines from the “Drama” region. Hundreds of bottles were installed in the restaurants cellar to witness the event.

The municipality of “Drama” which is situated about 150 kilometres north of Thessaloniki, is actually promoting tourism in the region.

Drama and its environments offers the fountains of the holy Barbara who is also worshipped as the protective patroness of the town.

The orthodox Christians celebrate many feasts, above all Christmas with Santa Claus and sugar bakery. Carnival is prominent here with its pleasures of bustle and dance.

In September film fans from all over the world find their way here as well. The “short film festival” of “Drama” attracts many cineastes who come, present their newest work and see the latest output in modern short filming.

Travellers frequent above all „dozens taverns and restaurants for all tastes and budgets“, tells us a tourist guide of the “Drama” municipality. Gourmets will try regional specialities like the farm sausages of Volakas, hand-made pasta and home-baked pastry, beekeeping products of superior quality and liqueurs from cornel cherries, plums or mint.

Besides, also paths of the classical church tourism lead in the town. But the cultural traveller will visit not only churches, like the cathedral of Drama beside the bishop’s seat, and cloisters, how the cloister of the „Ascension of the rescuer“ on the mountain Falakro, but also archaeological sites and the archaeological museum.

Those who still like to experience nature beside witty pleasures, may enjoy the woods and the mountains all around Drama. Activities like walking and mushroom collecting, Rafting and Horse riding, canoe driving and biking, paragliding and mountaineering, fishing and hunting are offered. Even alpine skiing is possible in winter on the 1,720-metre-high mountain Falakros. Who would have thought this? Given that there is a fine line between between stories, photos and movies and reality, we from WELTEXPRESS would like to convince ourselves of the circumstances. We would gratefully accept an invitation to the region of “Drama” and will report directly. Also on rural tourism with farmers and winegrowers and their products we want to cast a special eye. We will report again when being in the city of Drama.

As long as you find out interesting facts about drama at Wikipedia.

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