Germany’s „fit for war future” thanks to the indefatigable Mr. Pistorius

What's that falling from the sky? Source: Pixabay, Photo: Günther Schneider

Berlin, FRG (Weltexpress). Boris Pistorius wants to get us all used to a supposedly permanent threat of war, not just in Europe but worldwide. In a recent episode of the TV blockbuster “Berlin direkt”, the “darling” of the Germans let his people know that he “urgently” expects them to be more war-hungry.

Of course, he put it more elegantly and called for a “change of mentality”, and not only from the troops and the officials in the Ministry of Defense, who should already be throwing themselves enthusiastically into the war mania, but also from society as a whole. Because, as the extremely clever Defence Minister Boris Pistorius has recognized with razor-sharp clarity, the threat of war in Europe is looming and the Russian sword of Damocles will be hanging by a thread over our German beer gardens as early as next spring. In the “best Germany ever”, the fun is over.

The summer fairytale mood was yesterday. Today, Pistorius’ sober and serious war readiness is on the social agenda for the coming years. This is finally a fresh idea for a country that in recent decades has been more concerned with mundane things like sausages and beer and work-life balance instead of mentally preparing itself for the sweet death of a hero for God and country. But Pistorius, the seer of modern times, teaches us better, that we must slowly get used to war again, you to the idea that wars can also be cool, because in the face of mortal danger they can bring out the best in men and women. That’s exactly what worked brilliantly in the past, because Germany was already „fit for war” twice, but maybe not quite?

Despite the risk of the unfortunately unavoidable side effects of wars, such as a little genocide here or burned down countries there, a sober-minded person will always prefer the higher-ranking advantages of a newly created, mentality-changing, war-capable society, because the result is a united and determined society in which the internal contradictions are successfully concealed with coercive measures. Then the future Minister of War – like the Kaiser in 1914 – can also say: “I no longer recognize any parties, only Germans”, and specifically Germans who no longer squabble in these hideous democratic structures, but stand together as one man against the Russians.

To be fit for war includes militarization, of course, total militarization, i.e. more arms industry, more weapons, more soldiers and, above all, more money to be saved from pensioners’ mouths in view of the lack of economic growth and tight federal coffers. This is exactly what the new NATO Secretary General recently called for in public. Basically, this is just a form of burden-sharing for getting combat-ready, because the young people have to risk their bones, health and lives, so the old can do without part of their pension so that the young can be better armed and sent to war in Ukraine or elsewhere.

According to Pistorius, it is not just against the Russians we need to become fit for war. No, one opponent, even the strongest nuclear power in the world, is not enough for him. Pistorius is taking his cue from the pre-war period leading up to the First World War. In view of the many countries that were on the opposite side, the warlords in Berlin proudly thumped their chests and swaggered with slogans such as „Viel Feind, viel Ehr“, sending millions of German soldiers to their deaths.

Of course, Mr. Pistorius has no such plans. After all, Germany is not yet ready for war. But he sees his message on ZDF about the current conflict in Ukraine, the war in Gaza, the crisis in the Far East and the tensions with Iran as perfect opportunities to further militarize Germany’s internal and external policies. The necessary “change of mentality” is intended to accustom not only the soldiers but society as a whole to the permanent threat of war, not only in Europe but worldwide.

And as if all this wasn’t warlike enough, Pistorius is fully behind Israel, which is waging a genocidal war of extermination against the civilian population in the Gaza Strip with its little “war of self-defense” and has already killed between 40,000 (UN) and 186,000 (Lancet) people with bombs, grenades, bullets, hunger, contaminated water and all kinds of diseases, depending on the estimate. But don’t worry, this is only to secure Israel’s right to exist. And the destruction of Gaza is merely a peace-building joint project by large sections of the Western “community of values”, which is concerned with improving the feeling of neighborliness in the region and preventing further escalations.

And that’s not all: the Bundeswehr has already deployed warships and soldiers to the Middle East, officially for evacuations. Only a rogue doesn’t believe that? The frigate Baden-Württemberg and other ships are taking part in UNIFIL missions off the coast of Lebanon, while German KSK special forces are stationed in Jordan and Cyprus. All under the guise of “stability”, while in reality only the imperialist interests of the ruling money elites are being enforced.

But Mr. Pistorius and the majority of the self-proclaimed German elite are looking far beyond Europe. Why settle for Europe? We must also think globally, is the motto? And Mr. Pistorius is not alone in dreaming of wars over raw materials and spheres of influence in the Indo-Pacific, because Germany, as a trading nation, has such a central interest in stability and security there – even a greater interest than China is granted on its own doorstep. And nothing brings more “stability” to the region than the deployment of German warships and soldiers, who, together with the USA and its ilk, are spreading chaos everywhere.

Finally, a big thank you to Mr. Pistorius for his constant reminders that we need to prepare not only for soccer matches, but above all for wars. Now that’s an instructive lesson in modern history. If you look at the predictions for the results of the next general election, the majority of Germans have obviously learned nothing from the history of our country and, thanks to Mr. Pistorius, are ready to repeat the mistakes that led to tragedy – this time only with better technology, which of course lines the pockets of the military-industrial complex and their lobbyists.

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