Kiev’s Gulliver – fascination rising above the Ukrainian capital

© Gulliver Business Centre, Foto: Andrei Shelepnitsky

Kiev, Ukraine (Weltexpress). Architects the world-over reach higher in creating splendid design and magnitude. Standing tall above the city streets of Kiev, a new landmark graces the Ukrainian capital. Gulliver joins the sky scrapping giants with breathtaking delight giving Kiev and the world a new distinction in architectural wonder.

Soaring their way into our imagination, modern european sky scrappers include the Triumph Palace – Mercury City Tower and Eurasia in Moscow, Commerzbank Tower and the Messeturm in Frankfurt am Main, the Shard and One Canada Square in London, Tour First and Tour Montparnasse in Paris and the Sapphire of Istanbul are part of a wonderous legacy.

Dominant gigantic elegance include the Burji and Pentominimum in Dubai, One World Trade Center and the Empire State Building in New York, Taipei 101 in Taipei, Petronas Towers – Kuala Lumpur and the Willis Tower in Chicago.

The Gulliver in Kiev joins the imaginative spirit of designers where fantasy ensures a broad-range of multi-functional opportunity.

Over a two block radius covering 158,000 square feet, standing 161 meters above the city – a 35 storey business complex straddles the Dneper river.

The complex symbolizes a new economy blending Kiev’s culturally refined history.

Centered in the down-town area, the Gulliver views every major building and institution.

Whether by foot, car or public transportation – passer-by will recognise an edifice that pictures a sailing ship – in the sky.

With the sun shining on the sea-blue facade, historical Kiev grows larger – opulence touches the sky graciously.

Gulliver’s namesake takes the world on a further journey matching inspiration with progress.

The new business center in the heart of Kiev equals the highest standards found in every major sky scrapper – interior brilliance and space balances optical grandness.

Highly advanced engineering with world-class communucations networking offers “Intelligent Building” maximizing comfort, security and elite environmental efficiency.

The Gulliver’s decorative illuminating light-system was founded by Blachere Illumination – it is also used on the Champs-Elysee and Eifel Tower in Paris – the colors mezmerize the naked eye.

Endless space and lighting in the Atrium braces the gigantic awe similar to what you experience in sky scrappers found in Dubai, Hong Kong, New York and London.

Materials used in the building structure are of the highest quality found in Europe.

A shopping center with over 130 stores-outlets and a basement supermarket spreads over 8000 square meters – choice is of the essence.

The first four floors of the Gulliver are filled with boutiques.

On the fifth floor, a sprawling bowling alley hosts 24 lanes – a movie-complex, playground and several restaurants stretch the imagination.

A wellness center and fitness club includes a 25 meter swimming pool that is situated on the roof-top!

When in Kiev, stroll into the wondorous world of the Gulliver – fascination tells the tale of a new giant that stands among the world’s sky scrappers.

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