Tag: Churchill
A Terrible Thought
Tel Aviv, Israel (Weltexpress). Suddenly, a terrible thought struck me. What if Avi Gabbay really believes what he is saying?
Impossible. He cannot really believe...
University of Terror
Tel Aviv, Israel (Weltexpress). Some days ago, a man committed an act of terrorism in the center of London, a city I love.
He ran...
President Kong
Tel Aviv, Israel (Weltexpress). I knew he reminded me of somebody, but I couldn't quite place it. Who was it who pounded his chest...
The Israeli Trumpess
Tel Aviv, Israel (Weltexpress). What will Donald Trump do if he loses the elections in a week and a half from now, as most...
The Last Trump
Tel Aviv, Israel (Weltxpress). A farmer comes to the big town for the first time. He visits the zoo and stands for hours transfixed...