Tag: Mussolini
Adolf and Amin
Tel Aviv, Israel (Weltexpress). Binyamin Netanyahu is a perfect diplomat, a clever politician, a talented leader of the army.
Lately, another jewel has been added to...
Thank you, Smotrich
Tel Aviv, Israel (Weltexpress). I owe many thanks to Bezalel Smotrich. Yes, yes, to Smotrich of the extreme right, Smotrich the fascist.
Recently Smotrich gave a...
Kaya, the royal Dog
Tel Aviv, Israel (Weltexpress). The spectacle is almost bizarre: a political party refuses to accept new members. And not just a few individuals, but...
The New Wave
Tel Aviv, Israel (Weltexpress). When I was young, there was a joke: "There is no one like you – and that's a good thing!"
The President-Elect Donald Trump
Tel Aviv, Israel (Weltexpress). The first shock has passed. President-Elect Donald Trump. I am gradually getting used to the sound of these words.
We are...
The Last Trump
Tel Aviv, Israel (Weltxpress). A farmer comes to the big town for the first time. He visits the zoo and stands for hours transfixed...