“This place could be yours” – Supporter Club Meeting 2018 of the Eisbären (polar bears) Berlin at Pirates Berlin

Supporters Club Meeting at Pirates Berlin on January 23, 2018 - in a "red" and therefore really hot atmosphere.
Supporters Club Meeting at Pirates Berlin on January 23, 2018 - in a "red" and therefore really hot atmosphere. © 2018, Münzenberg Media, Photo: Stefan Pribnow

Berlin, Germany (Weltexpress). No bite no fight. That’s what the people responsible at BAES Deutschland GmbH, an agency for sports marketing based in the heart of Berlin, thought, and invited the 2018 Supporter Club Meeting of Eisbären Berlin to Pirates Berlin. The whole thing was a great New Year’s reception with kale food. Already at the entrance it was clear that the crowd would be large and the place full. BAES Managing Director Klaus Wick seemed to be happy about every guest and greeted us with a handshake and good words. In addition there was good mulled wine, from the bar of event caterer Pirates Berlin, located directly on the eastern shore of the Spree near the East Side Gallery, where the Oberbaumbrücke connects Kreuzberg with Friedrichshain.

Who didn’t care to wait for and take the kale, went to the goulash cannon. Not that before the game between the Berlin polar bears and the Wolfsburg grizzlies there was any shooting, mind you, or only culinary in the cold outside (although those heater lanterns kept us warm on the terrace under the festive tent). Actually not cold enough for kale, because this typical winter vegetable, called Frisian palm, needs minus degrees to give it that special taste.

After the hot, tasty soup the plates were served with kale. And beer. The spirits rose and Klaus Wick greeted other guests like Peter-John Lee, a former Canadian ice hockey player and current manager of the Eisbären Berlin, as well as Stéphane Richer, polar bear sporting director and Florian Busch, currently injured polar bear star striker. It was clear that Lee and Richer had to go back to the large multi-purpose hall Mercedes Benz Arena not far away where the Eisbären play, but Florian Busch, called Buschi by fans, stayed on to push support for his team in the battle of the bears.

The Supporter Club of Eisbären Berlin

Klaus Wick meanwhile by praising the supporter club raised new members. He said that “the Supporter Club of Eisbären Berlin is Germany’s largest sports business network of small and medium-sized companies from the Berlin / Brandenburg region”, and referred to “more than 7,000 individual companies”, which had “decided since 2006 … to benefit from the sports business platform of the Supporter Club”. You can be a member of the Supporter Club at any time and from just 229 euros plus VAT. If you add a zero or so at the end of that sum, then you’re Standard Exclusive Member. And get much more for your money, of course.

“This place could be yours”

After fun, food and drink, supporter club members and those who wanted to be one went to “their arena”. We walked with them. In block 208 there were sheets on the seats: “This place could be yours”, we read and that “already for 30 Euro … on the purchase of a PK-1 season ticket including play-offs…” Well, here you go! If you want to know more or sign up right away, please contact:

BAES Germany GmbH
Möllendorffstraße 48
10367 Berlin
Phone: 08008801139300
E-Mail: partner@eisbaeren.supporterclub.org
Web: https://www.baes.de/eisbaeren-berlin

For more about the game read the article

Bear Derby: Polar Bears vs. Grizzlies or time for tackles, power-play and penalty killing by Ansgar Eismann.

Christopher Prescott based on a text by Ole Bolle.

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