„This War of mine“ is a world-best computer game – “Lords of the Fallen” is „the best German play“

Lord of the Fallen © Deck13

Berlin, Germany (Weltexpress). This year’s winners of the German computer game price (DCP) were presented in Berlin on tuesday. The prize as the „best international play“ won the so called anti-war game “War of mine” created by the Polish studio 11 of Munich Publishers Koch media which is a nothing less than a computer war game.

The jury believes that „the tactically stamped Action-Game touches aspects of war which are “usually unnoticed“ would asks: „How does it feel for a hunted if he must survive under the constant fear of discovery and death?”

How would it be to ask the brown and blacks in the United States of Amerikkka or refugees on the way to the fortress Europe in the belt of the horror which is spread itself by the northwest of Africa up to the Hindu Kush where war is everyday reality.

„The best German play “is” Lords of the Fallen“ of the Frankfurt developer studio Deck13. The jury explained its decision with the fact, that “the amusing, perfectly produced story“ of the computer game „the player in the spell of the dark fantasy world in which he pulls an absorbing, but also playfully demanding adventure experience”. Besides, the staging has succeeded what can be tested by gamers on Xbox One and PlayStation 4 and PC.

Amongst the honorific speakers only comedian Oliver Kalkofe worked with criticism packed in humor. The rest (PietSmiet, Jasmine Tabatabai, Dorothee Bär, Michael Müller, Alexander Dobrindt and presenter Judith Rakers) delivered ramp insignificance continuously.

This was valid as a nice evening for about 600 guests from the computer and video game branch, economy, politics, culture and media which observed prize assignments in 13 categories in the Berlin “Ewerk” and applauded. One year ago these were six categories. The increase of the categories may deal with the fact that the number of the submissions of computer games of 140 for 2014 on 320 games this year has more than doubled.

Anew with the DCP the categories „ best innovation“, „best staging“, “best game design” as well as three unendowed international categories “best international game“, „best international multi player game“ and „ best international new play world“. The public price on which only the players and fans decided by Online-Voting also celebrated premiere this year.

Does the German computer game price promotes„educationally valuable plays from Germany”? Critics like us have doubts.

However, we present here and today all winners of the DCP 2015:

1. Best Child’s Game
Fire (Hamburg)
(Daedalic Entertainment)
50.000 Euro

2. Best Youth Game
TRI: Of Friendship and Madness (Halle)
(Rat King Entertainment, Rising Star Games)
50.000 Euro

3. Best Serious Game
Utopolis – Departure of the animals (München)
(Reality Twist, Nemetschek Stiftung)
30.000 Euro

4. Best newcomer concept
In Between (Trier) – 30.000 Euro
Hochschule Trier
UnderRaid (Darmstadt) – 20.000 Euro
Hochschule Darmstadt / Mediencampus Dieburg
Simon Cooks (Köln) – 10.000 Euro
SAE Institute Köln

5. Best mobile game
Rules! (München)
(The Coding Monkeys)
30.000 Euro Preisgeld

6. Best Gamedesign
The Last Tinker – City of Colors (München)
(Mimimi Productions)
30.000 Euro

7. Best staging
(Neue Kategorie)
Lords of the Fallen (Frankfurt am Main)
(Deck13, CI Games S.A.)
30.000 Euro

8. Best Innovation
(Neue Kategorie)
Spiel des Friedens (Ludwigsburg)
(Studio Fizbin, Landesmuseum für Kunst und Kultur Münster)
30.000 Euro

9. Best international new play world
This War of Mine (Polen)
(11Bit Studios, Koch Media)

10. Best International Multiplayer-Spiel
Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft

11. Bestes International Game
This War of Mine (Polen)
(11bit Studios, Koch Media)

12. Best German Game
Lords of the Fallen (Frankfurt am Main)
(Deck13, CI Games S.A.)
75.000 Euro

13. Public Vote
Dark Souls 2
(From Software, Bandai Namco Entertainment)

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