Berlin, Germany (Weltexpress). The message about a new US ambassador for Germany does not knock anybody’s socks off here. Against the background of the upcoming presidential election in USA and the nomination process in the Senate, it is questionable whether the name has to be remembered at all. It could be an air booking in all respects.
Mr Macgregor probably doesn’t even want to show up in Berlin with a moving container. As is well known, some people still have “a suitcase in Berlin”. With the shortened length of stay for US ambassadors in Germany, it is sufficient if he had that with him. Maybe he’ll be gone before he gives the credentials to someone who once called his president a “hate preacher”. So much for a comment on how welcome those who represent President Trump are to the current German leadership.
The whole dilemma of American-German relations becomes clear from these circumstances. That’s the fly in the ointment. In any case, it will be exciting if President Trump should go down cause of Corona. Berlin rose up manly against a President Trump who “came around the corner” with good relations with Russia.
You shake your head in disbelief.. Somebody comes into office in Washington who actually wanted what was and will always be in Germany’s national interest: a relaxed situation in Europe and transatlantic. But Berlin allied itself with patented warmongers in Washington and as a result we have a situation in Europe that must be called lousy. But it’s even getting worse. The attitude of refusal in Berlin and Europe has set in motion an erosion process in the USA itself, which with “America first” is hardly likely to prevent difficult conditions for the USA.
The daily civil war pictures out of the USA are revealing. In all other countries around the world, the American ambassador would have appeared in the middle of the demonstrations, would have chatted about “democratic values”, and would have smeared Kiev-style sandwiches on television. The overthrow agency OTPOR has arrived where the concept and probably the money most likely has been made available.
With this in mind, we should wait to see how the United States shakes in the coming years to greet an American ambassador who will represent a predictable country reaching out to other states. However, this will not be enough. The United States’ presence in Europe is also derived from two world wars. Last but not least, the elimination of National Socialism and of Mr Hitler is an on-going justification. The entry into the First World War on the side of France and England, so as not to lose the financial debtors, is less important.
However, this Corona summer kicked up a shindy – historic and new. The Presidents Putin and Macron have pointed out the responsibility for the emerging National Socialism in Germany. One cannot get rid of the picture that the financing of the Hitler party from the United States and England created the historical monster that was to be defeated in the Second World War. It is not just about access to recent German history. It is about the model according to which Moscow and Beijing are to be put on the curb today, as Alexander Sosnowski and I made clear in our book: “And again and again Versailles” 2019.