Berlin, Germany (Weltexpress). The images from London on the ceasefire day of 11 November 2018 were searched in vain if one watched the main news of ARD and ZDF. BBC also screened them rather late. These pictures showed the German Federal President Steinmeier at a wreath-laying ceremony in London. Were these pics withheld because neither Steinmeier nor Chancellor Merkel, still in office, thought it necessary on that memorable weekend to commemorate German soldiers and victims of the First World War in an appropriate way where they were laid to rest?
Thus, the German heads of state demonstrated what conception of history they adhere to. Especially in the run-up to Versailles 1919, which will be remembered in summer 2019 in a special way. The Commonwealth historian Christopher Clark made it clear. Nothing justified Versailles and the verdict of the Entente states over the German Reich. Even with the blessing of German TV under public law, Clark decreed that there is no special responsibility of any state for the outbreak of the First World War, although German historians Wolfgang Effenberger and others made aware of the more than a decade of preparation for the First World War by British and French circles, including the Blockade to be imposed over the German Reich. A blockade to starve Germany, mind you, with the result of millions of German victims and the loss of a whole generation of children until well after the ceasefire in the summer 1919. If, even according to Christopher Clark, there was no German special responsibility for the outbreak of the First World War, then the “German sole guilt” decreed by the Allies at Versailles cannot be upheld. The destruction of Germany was the goal of Versailles and through Hitler and the Second World War should succeed. Steinmeier and Merkel run the risk of legitimizing Versailles and the policy of annihilation against Germany in the long run.
This could be left to history, if it would not lead to the next fatality. First of all looking at it in principle. Who legitimizes Versailles today, does not answer one question: who’s good at peace? There have been answers in history, as the peace agreement of 1648 in Münster and Osnabrück as well as the Congress of Vienna after the end of the Napoleonic Wars could show. One left the defeated country its face and created the “right to forget”. It was the Russian Czar Alexander I, together with the Austrian Chancellor Metternich, a Rhinelander from Koblenz, who tried to introduce the European survival principle into international politics: a renewed conflict in Europe should be avoided, so as not to face up to the annihilation of European civilization. Agreement therefore, where agreement should be possible, much to the reluctance of the Anglo-Saxons. London wanted to have carte blanche on the continent and act as it liked. This has been proven in conjunction with the future Marshal Foch from France and is still the “golden thread”, which is to hinder any pacification of the European situation. Washington has followed in London’s footsteps, and at the French celebrations in Paris, American President Trump can smile at Russian President Putin as he pleases.
It is perverse when a French president of all people announces a permanent “peace forum” at the Arc de Triomphe. After all, it was France that recently, and in succession, has Libya and Syria on its conscience, with all the consequences resulting from it, and can do no more in Africa than to wage wars. Instead of a “peace forum” self-commitment in future would have brought more to mankind. And then look at the dressing down of American President Trump. One must ask oneself what’s that in aid of? Or are Merkel and Co. angry about the fact that President Trump so far anyway is not following the model of the by Merkel and Co. acclaimed warring President Clinton, Bush the Unspeakable and Obama? Russian President Putin will have listened to everything in Paris and not just there. From Clinton up to Merkel one complains that Trump apparently will not continue the Anglo-Saxon war policy. Trump is being dumped with dirt because he pretends to seek a form of fruitful cooperation with Russia. Wars the Merkels of this world gladly accepted, but peace in Europe is a no go? This is in line with the EU model of destroying the existing rule of law by those who summon the demons of the past, although it is they who promote these demons. Trump cannot deliver to Moscow, but he does his utmost to rebuild the war-torn America. That may succeed. But what comes next? An America that once more, via the American military commander in Europe, is on to seizing Russia? Paris was a summit this weekend namely one of political hypocrisy.