Let’s Do Louis Laurent

© Restaurant Louis Laurent

Berlin, Germany (Weltexpress). Fine dining in Berlin appeals to diversity and excellence. Next time the urge presents itself to go French, treat yourself to a culinary journey.

Let’s do Louis Laurent, a French restaurant in the heart of Berlin.

© Restaurant Louis Laurent

Situated in a well known side street off the Kurfürstendamm, a quaint neighborhood surrounded by maple trees and architectural wonder, the flair of French cuisine awaits your dining pleasure.

Christoph Brzesk, Chef in the fine dining restaurant Louis Laurent (left). © Restaurant Louis Laurent, Caption: Stefan Pribnow

Bienvenue au Restaurant Louis Laurent!

An excellent staff will introduce you to champagne and oysters, including a classic menu which inspires local residents and tourists alike.

© Restaurant Louis Laurent

For starters fresh mixed salads – Salade La Bergere or Rosa Shrimps served with an exquisite cocktail sauce is a must – not to forget the  delicious fish soup – Soupe de Poisson.

Moving on, the menu expands, but the classic Entrecote is splendid.

© Restaurant Louis Laurent

Topping off the French experience, the cheese plate and desserts are an additional treat.

Naturally, the wine selection stretches across the French regions and is superb.

© Restaurant Louis Laurent

Restaurant Louis Laurent is the perfect address. When it comes to fine dining and French delicacies you’ll appreciate the experience.

You’ll love it!

Louis Laurent

Adress: Giesebrechtstraße 16, 10629 Berlin, Germany

Contact: Phone: +493022432529, Email: info@louis-laurent.de

Web: http://louis-laurent.de/en

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