Biggest LA Port Faces Massive Traffic Jam as 62 Ships Unable to Unload Their Cargo

Port of Long Beach. No ships? Quelle: Pixabay, Foto: Tobias Wahlqvist

Los Angeles, USA (Weltexpress). Faces Massive Traffic Jam in Los Angeles. The jams are linked to several factors, including staffing problems that have been bugging American companies in the aftermath of the pandemic’s onset. Despite high levels of unemployment, many firms can’t hire enough personnel to run their operations at full capacity.

Some 62 container ships are stuck outside ports in Los Angeles and Long Beach amid disruptions in supply chains in the US, the Daily Mail has reported. The said ports are responsible for processing 40% of all containers arriving in the US and are among the main entries for Chinese goods into the American market.

In addition to the traffic jam in the ports, there is another one at FedEx.

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