Berlin, Germany (Weltexpress). Enjoy the bavarian spirit in the heart of the metropolis now, just in time for Maibock, going strong since 400 years. Lederhosen, Dirndl, Jodeln and Schuhplattler with the original Hofbräuhaus Showband – tremendous variety of Schmankerl food and other traditional specialities to taste – Bavaria in Berlin from tavern to Biergarten.
This Sunday, we went almost to the top of the television tower, the city landmark, to see where we would find, yes, lots of lovely easter eggs (last year we did not get any). Now, looking down, we saw hundreds – and at a bavarian brewery location near the Alex. The largest collection in town, actually! Rushing down, we were just in time to greet the hare with presents for our and all the other kids.

No, Im not kidding. The Hofbräu Berlin with that famous Hofbräuhaus beer of Munich is also well known for its events for everybody who likes to get together with the family or old and new friends and simply enjoy the day. A bavarian spirit thats the spirit of Berlin too. Of course, beer festivals here are the really big thing. Not just the Oktoberfest, mind you. „Maibock“ is the word to know at the end of April and for a few weeks to come. The Hofbräu Maibock was first brewed 400 years ago in 1614 and is the oldest of the Munich bock beers. The special heavy ale has been brewed every spring since then. Just in time for the merry month of May, it is traditionally tapped in a social event last week of April in the Hofbräuhaus am Platzl. The bottom-fermented Hofbräu Maibock with an alcohol content of 7.2% volume is described by the brewers as „amber-coloured with a creamy, bright white head and a baroque, slightly fruity, malty aroma. It has a very full-bodied taste, malty aroma and velvety smooth, hoppy note.“ A highlight of the brewing year and in the Hofbräu Berlin as sensational as in the Hofbräuhaus – often packed with tourists… Maybe we can already taste it tonight celebrating Bayern beating Real Madrid, no doubt!

The Hofbräu Berlin opened in November 2011 and has been synonymous with bavarian spirit ever since. Bavarian lifestyle at ist best and in the midst of modern city life. With a large and bustling Biergarten, with service lads clad in typical Lederhosen and lassies in Dirndl placing your Maßkrug in front of you (lots more to look forward to than just the brim of the beer, then…). And apart from traditional sights, there traditional sounds. The original Hofbräuhaus Showband are on stage from Monday to Saturday 12 am to 3 pm, Sunday 10am to 3 pm, in the evenings Sunday to Thursday 6 pm to 11 pm, Friday and Saturday 7 pm to midnight. And there well worth while listening to, as they introduce to their audience the Bavarian culture in such a rousing manner that every visitor finds it an unforgettable pleasure to see and hear what Bavaria really has to offer in the way of traditional folk music. And for exclusive events, the Hofbräu offers a Hofbräuhaus Show programme package including their festival band – with yodellers, „Schuhplattler“ folk dancing lads and lasses, „Alphorn“ players, horsewhip displays and a „Glockenspiel„ with 20 cowbells. Get together, folks, dont miss the fun!
Now I nearly missed saying something about the food, those bavarian specialities that go so well with the tremendous bavarian beer. „Haxen“, a knuckle of pork, is recommended when you try Maibock. If you’ve ever been in Munich you know all about „Weißwürstl“, „Schwammerl“, „Leberkäs“ and „Germknödel“ – if not, just ask a Dirndl or a Lederhosen… You can browse online through the menu, and for lunch enjoy one of the special offers. As there quite a lot of tasty beers coming your way, surely you will easily find the dish to accompany it. In the company of friends, Lederhosen and Dirndl. „Eins, zwei, g’suffa!“ as they say at Hofbräu and Hofbräuhaus.
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Hofbräu Berlin, Karl-Liebknecht-Straße 30, 10178 Berlin, Phone: +49 (0)30 679 66 55 20, Email:, Website: (in engl.), Open: Friday to Saturday 10 am up to 2 am, Sunday to Thursday 10 am until 1 am.