Not for ordinary seamen: every Sunday princely gluttony and lavish feasts for real gourmands enjoying brunch at Pirates Berlin

It’s brunch time every Sunday from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Pirates Berlin. © Spreewiesn GmbH & Co. Beach Betriebsgesellschaft KG

Berlin, Germany (Weltexpress). The Pirates Berlin is located directly on the Spree at one end of the striking Oberbaum Bridge, which resembles a castle with its turrets and leads from Friedrichshain to Kreuzberg. Or a Hamburg harbour warehouse.

There is no longer any storage of goods on four floors, but good celebrations and events. You can eat and drink in the 300 m² event deck on the first floor, which accommodates up to 120 people, but above all on the no smaller ground floor with seats for up to 170 people. If you add the outside, it’s 1,110 m² on top and a further 400 seats. In summer sit casually on the wooden terrace under palm trees, in winter under patio heaters, at least in the covered area. If that’s not suitable for brunch, what is then?

Now, there is a welcome drink at the entrance before you are seated. And that’s included in the price of 18.50 EUR per person for the whole large buffet. Children up to 5 years dine for free and children between 6 and 10 years for 7.50 EUR. Fair comes first, also at the buffet. But that is not a problem either, because it is large and set up on a very long table with enough for guests of any shape or size.

Bread and rolls, sweet and sour, salty and on to bitter, but also all kinds of hot and cold is on offer, along with fish and meat and even very noteworthy side dishes. An English breakfast is also presented, of course one with honey and jams. And there certainly is no lack of cheese or cold cuts.

Christmas biscuits, even pieces of Stollen and delicious cakes are included in the Advent and Christmas season. And fruit for a clear conscience!

Go for it: Dessert with licking creams and biscuits at brunch on a Sunday in November 2021 at Pirates Berlin. © Munzenberg Medien. Photo / Caption: Stefan Pribnow, taken Berlin 11/14/2021

Us from WELTEXPRESS mainly tried the salads and the delicious paella, a Spanish rice dish from the pan that is particularly popular in and around Valencia, but we didn’t take long to ask for the poultry with red and green cabbage and great dumplings.

Can we trust our eyes: there is not only fresh fish in the Pirates, but also eel? Looks like eel, smells and tastes like eel – it is eel. And eel we eat.

If you like cornflakes or want muesli, everything is there and plenty of it. In addition to fresh whole milk (optionally also lactose-free), oat milk is also offered for breakfast cereals and cereals. Truly, the offer is broad for a princely gluttony, yes, a lavish feast for real gourmands and those who want to become that in the

Pirates Berlin

Address: Mühlenstraße 78-80, 10243 Berlin, Germany

Phone: +49 30 97002414



Opening hours: Open from 9 am to 2 pm on Sunday for brunch, and come as you please, even as a pirate


The text was translated from German by Christoph Merten.

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