Berlin, Germany (Weltexpress). „A dry May brings drought to stay”, says the millennial calendar for farmers and those who want to become one. Beer drinkers, on the other hand, know: “If your throat is dry a beer you should try.”

Now for them, what fits end of April like a farmer on a tractor? Tip your cap, it’s Maibock tapping! So April 30, Björn Schwarz, Managing Director Bayerisches Wirtshaus Verwaltungs GmbH & Co KG, stood prominently next to Julian Stoeckel, who tapped a keg of Hofbräu from Munich. This acclaimed Maibock is not only tapped in the world’s most famous pub, Hofbräuhaus, but for certain in Berlin. Incidentally, Hofbräu Maibock was created 1614 and is considered to be Munich’s oldest bock beer. Since then, over 400 years of bock beer history and delicious flavour have been associated with „May Bock“ from Hofbräu München.

Does Julian know? In any case he, yes, hammered on the tap for quite a while with his wooden mallet. Off went the tap, out came no beer. To be frank, the silly giggle guy did not have the guts to get it gushing out fluently with a few strokes. Well, this is Berlin. In Munich, to turn a tapping into ridicule is a no-go.

A “Flotter Dreier“ or „The Threesomes“ on stage at the Hofbräu München Wirtshaus Berlin. © Münzenberg Medien, Photo/ BU: Stefan Pribnow, Place and date of take: Berlin, 30.4.2024

Strike and drive in, that’s what it’s all about – to put it casually. After countless attempts, Bock beer splashed. At last! Jubilant Julian luckily didn’t attempt to be a bar waiter. The profs from Hofbräu filled one beer mug after another for the May Dance, as hundreds of guests at Hofbräu München Wirtshaus Berlin close to Alexanderplatz poured in more than one pint. Dozens sat outside and in front of the video screens in the event area on the first floor. Bayern Munich against Real Madrid was the order of the day upstairs, but Maibock surely the real champ.

“O’zapft is! We are finally looking forward to spring-like and perhaps even summer-like temperatures in the coming weeks. So that Berliners and tourists in the city can also enjoy the delicious Maibock and Bavarian specialities outside in our beer garden,” to quote Björn Schwarz. Around 800 guests joined him in enjoying the glorious weather on the day of Walpurgis Night in Berlin.

Two well-dressed gentlemen (Günther Krabbenhöft on the left and Carlos Davila on the right) were right in the middle of the Maibock tapping at Hofbräu München Wirtshaus Berlin. © Münzenberg Medien, Photo/ BU: Stefan Pribnow, Place and date of take: Berlin, 30.4.2024

There may have been the odd witch among the guests, but there were obviously two well-dressed gentlemen and a bunch of badly dressed sportsmen, namely those from Berlin Thunder. If you want to see them and American football in Berlin, watch the game between Berlin Thunder and the Czech Prague Lions. The match is scheduled to kick off on June 2, 2024 at 1 pm at Friedrich-Ludwig-Jahn-Sportpark.

When a second leg between Real Madrid and Bayern München takes place on May 8, 2024, it will be screened in the event area. The final on June 1 in London will also be shown on the first floor of Hofbräu München Wirtshaus Berlin.

As always, lots of beer from Hofbräu München is there to drink. The „Original“ and Hofbräu Dunkel will be available, as well as Hofbräu Kristall Weiße, Münchner Weiße and Schwarze Weiße. Sausages, knuckle of pork and schnitzel are served by waiters in traditional costume. That is the order of the day and night at the Hofbräu München Wirtshaus Berlin where all clad in Dirndln and Lederhosen service greets you Bavarian with: Servus!

Shouting cheers: “Oans, zwoa, drei – g’suffa”. That’s what you heard when you saw “Flotter Dreier“ playing but not acting as a threesome, No doubt about what went on off stage: a joyful boisterous crowd ate, drank and danced throughout the night, from April the last day into the first of May!


Vorstehender Beitrag von Ole Bolle wurde von Christoph Mertens vom Deutschen ins Englische übersetzt. Der Beitrag “„O’zapft is!“ – Maibockanstich im Hofbräu München Wirtshaus Berlin” von Ole Bolle ist eine Exklusivveröffentlichung im WELTEXPRESS Deutsch (1.5.2024).

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