London, UK (Weltexpress). The Bear Who Came to Tea: None other than the nation’s darling, Paddington Bear himself, was with the Queen at Windsor Castle for the traditional ‘teatime’. And of course the children’s book bear flouted all rules of conduct, not to mention strict royal etiquette: he drank straight from the teapot, leaving little for the hostess, accidentally catapulted one of the traditional scones onto the cheek of the steward and pulled one of his legendary marmalade sandwiches out from under the red hat. „I always keep one for emergencies“. The Queen was not taken aback, and also took out a sandwich – from her handbag: „So do I. I keep mine in here. For later.“

With this sketch, prepared for months in the strictest secrecy and executed with virtuosity by the legendary BBC, the Queen touched the hearts of her subjects more than ever and, if necessary (after the Diana disaster), won them back. For some, this charming episode was even the highlight of this four-day platinum anniversary weekend, rich in spectacular events, to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the coronation of the now 96-year-old Queen Elizabeth II. With humour and charm, she proved those right who “despite everything“ stay attached to the monarchy – and those who are hostile to most other members of the royal family.

The Queen, well-known for her mischievous sense of humor – remember when she acted alongside James Bond actor Daniel Craig at the opening of the 2012 Olympic Games – had apparently without hesitation agreed to appear in the Paddington episode, which was contrary to protocol: This was just too much “fun” to pass it up. Perhaps this skit even saved the British monarchy – after all the trials and tribulations of recent years and decades. It is doubtful whether her son, Prince Charles, will ever come close to matching his mother’s unrestricted popularity. In any case, the Prince of Wales recently confirmed his claim to the throne when he represented the Queen at the ritual opening of Parliament. In any case, the Queen gave a clear signal for the future of the monarchy when – after missing both the memorial service in St.Paul’s and the beloved Derby – she again showed herself in public on the famous balcony of Buckingham Palace at the very end of the celebrations: With son Charles, grandson William (and wives) and great-grandson George, who was 87 years younger. She has thus secured the succession to the throne for three generations – and made this clear to the whole nation.

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