Willkommen at the Thüringer Stuben – German restaurant in the heart of Prenzlauer Berg in Berlin

Thüringer Stuben in Berlin. © 2013, Muenzenberg Medien, Photo: Stefan Pribnow

Berlin, Germany (Weltexpress). Berlin has 273 German restaurants in the capital and one stands out in a grand way. The Thüringer Stuben in Prenzlauer Berg has become a neighborhood institution.

With over 17 years of serving traditional German dishes, co-owners / chefs Mikro Hemme and Christian Fischer created a wonderful niche in one of Berlin’s popular spots.

The original interior design and recipes are what make the Gaststätte a big hit with guests.

All furniture and fixtures were brought to Berlin from the green gardens of Thüringen.

A rustic feel-good effect features antlers, paintings, knick-knacks and a stuffed elk with full antlers – hang creatively throughout the restaurant.

Many of the German guests in describing the food and full-menu, indicated it reminds them of the wonderful meals grandmother use to make.

Getting that response tells us it is the real-deal.

All the products – from water, wine, beer, schnapps and fresh vegetables, meat comes from Thüringen!

Reasonable price range with large portions compliment the restaurant’s charm.

Homemade soups and salads top the menu list – Gulaschsuppe, Kartoffellauchsuppe, mixed Tomatensalat, Gurkensalat or Bohnen Gurkensalat with wholesome vinegar and oil dressing is delightful.

Smaller dishes reflecting Oma’s recipes include Schmalzbrot mit Essiggemüse, Pikantes Würzfleisch, Schweinebraten auf Brot are highly recommended.

Main courses take us to the heart of German cuisine – keeping the German names will encourage you even more to vist the Thüringer Stuben – Rostbratl mit Bratkartoffeln, Thüringer Rostbratwurst mit Sauerkraut und Petersilienkartoffeln, Schnitzel – Jäger Art, Raüberspiess, Lammfilet, Thüringer Sauerbraten, Grill Haxe, Hirschgulasch – Zanderfilet and Forelle invite seafood lovers, too.

The menu is diverse and delicious – making a selection will not be easy, but will bring you back again and again.

Try your German language skills and enjoy a truly German meal – making the dinner experience light-hearted and memorable is one reason why the Thüringer Stuben is a must visit.

The Thüringer Stuben brings that old-world German charm – Gemütlichkeit and flair right to the heart of the matter.

Not to leave out the tasty beer and wines from Thüringen – try a Holzlandbräu, Apoldaer Pils or a Köstritzer from the region.

The wine selection has great quality – a Saalhäuser Blauer Zweigelt or a Saalhäuser Riesling goes well with the hearty dishes.

The Thüringer Stuben has a great summer terrace – and with the sunny weather just ahead, the restaurant will match your German dining pleasure.

Families, friends and groups are Willkommen at the Thüringer Stuben – next time in Prenzlauer Berg – a must stop!

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Thüringer Stuben, Stargarder Straße 28, 10437 Berlin, Telefon: 030 446 33 39, E-Mail: info@thueringer-stuben.de, Website: http://www.thueringer-stuben.de

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