Teddie Ziegler – originally from Maryland

My “oops moment”..., 2018. © Photo Mark Mottershead

Berlin, Germany (Weltexpress). Teddie Ziegler has owned and worked with horses since she was six years old. Her first horse was a rescue which had to live in her parent’s garage until they could build a barn. Since then she has always had at least one horse in her life and currently has Jazz, who is 32, and his son Apollo, who is 28.

While growing up Teddie competed in many English disciplines, winning ribbons and trophies in Jumping, English Pleasure, Show Hunter and Classical Dressage.

After leaving school Teddie earned a Bachelor’s degree, and a Masters degree in Behavioral Psychology but her love of horses drew her back to become a full-time trainer.She enjoys combining her educational background with her passion for horses. She says: “I feel that I am always in a state of learning, from both humans and horses and I will continue learning until the day I die.”

Originally from Maryland, she moved to California in 1990 where she worked with Western disciplined trainers and competed in Western Equitation, Western Pleasure, Cutting and Team Penning.

During the many years of owning and training horses, Teddie has taught basic horsemanship, safety, relationship training and riding lessons to both adults and children. She is passionate about helping humans and horses to better understand each other and communicate on a more equal level. Her burning desire to help other people eventually led her to travel around the country giving clinics to like-minded horse lovers.

Then in 2016, she moved back to Maryland and continued to help horses and humans with her personal training clinics as well as people around the world through her online programs. This allows more people access to her new way of being with horses, which combines her background in behavioral psychology, her fascination with equine science and her 45+ years experience with horses. Freedom in relationships, how you and your horse feel, and most importantly building a solid foundation of trust are the keys to this new way of being with your horse, she says: “Not to mention, having a lot of fun at the same time!”

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