A palatial tour on the sun deck of the flagship MS “Sanssouci” of the Weiße Flotte Potsdam is fun and beautiful, because there you can see parks and palaces and many other pleasant things

MS "Sanssouci" in Potsdam. © Photo/caption: Fritz Hermann Köser, photo: Potsdam, July 27, 2022

Potsdam, Brandenburg, Germany (Weltexpress). Not just a sea voyage is jolly, but also a see voyage, to be more precise; a Havel lake trip. Such a service is offered by the Weiße Flotte Potsdam GmbH, which you could complete as a day trip with various exits and entries on the Potsdam Lange Brücke line to Werder and back with Templiner See and Schwielowsee. The palatial tour is shorter and more entertaining. It takes place on the Havel and also leads across a lake, the Tiefen See.

The palatial tour with the „White Fleet“ begins and ends at Long Bridge across from a building of some size inside town. It was rebuilt to house the county parliament on a grand scale. Burned down completely in 1945, it before that, served as a secondary residence for Brandenburg electors and Prussian kings from 1670 onwards. From 1918 it was the seat of the Potsdam magistrate and the city council.

Shipping company in Potsdam. © Photo/caption: Fritz Hermann Köser, photo: Potsdam, July 27, 2022

The river cruise leads away from Frederician Rococo, underneath the Long Bridge and past the Barberini Museum, housed in the reconstructed Neoclassical-Baroque Palace, and the Friendship Island. Perennials, sculptures and an adventure playground on the port side, a Buddha meditation meadow and the Nuthe, which flows into the Havel here in Potsdam, on the starboard side. After crossing under Humboldt Bridge, you pass the Hans-Otto-Theater on port side and on starboard side a number of follies in the park reaching down to Tiefen See, throned by Babelsberg Castle in a style mixture of medieval and Tudor. The Glienicker Bridge follows, but in front of or behind it, that is not the Groß Glienicker See, but on the starboard side it’s on to Griebnitzsee and straight ahead to the Wannsee. You can’t see the Heiligen See, but you can see the Jungfernsee.

Babelsberg Castle, tucked away. © Photo/caption: Stefan Pribnow, photo: Potsdam, July 27, 2022

Above all, here and there you can see the Potsdam landscape park which stretches along the Havel and Havel lakes, and again and again monuments, castles and palaces, temples and churches. The contemplative journey continues past Glienicke Palace, hidden behind trees, to the Pfaueninsel, with a lovers retreat built in 1794 as a country seat, where the captain turns the Sanssouci around without sorrow. Now it goes past a relatively new brewery in an old dairy and past the „Hermitage“ on the border of the Neuer Garten.

A new brewery in an old dairy. © Photo/caption: Stefan Pribnow, photo: Potsdam, July 27, 2022

The motor ship (MS) “Sanssouci” also passes by the Kaiserliche Matrosenstation in Potsdam, known as Kongsnaes. You have to dip under three bridges before docking in the port of Potsdam.

On board of MS “Sanssouci”. © Photo/caption: Stefan Pribnow, photo: Potsdam, July 27, 2022

The palatial tour lasts 90 minutes and offers lots of looks and likes and lovely leisure over a pot of coffee on board the flagship MS “Sanssouci”. A refreshing cocktail on the sun deck is also worth while. The drinks menu is as big as the ship, which is 72 meters long and nine meters wide and offers up to 334 seats inside. If you take the seats on both decks, then the ship, which Gerit Kling christened on April 17, 2010, can seat up to 600 people. If cruising in and around Potsdam, then MS “Sanssouci”.

No question: A palatial tour on the sun deck of the flagship MS “Sanssouci” of the „White Fleet Potsdam“ is jolly and joyful, because there you can see parks and palaces and many other pretty and promising things.

More informations: https://schifffahrt-in-potsdam.de/en/


The above post by Ole Bolle has been translated into English by Christopher Prescott.

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