After a queer sort of “throat clap” Nina Queer leads through ESC at Hofbräu Berlin in best voice

The ESC on May 13 at Hofbräu Berlin by and with Nina Queer © Bayerische Wirtshaus Berlin GmbH

Berlin, Germany (Weltexpress). Not for long now, then again its ESC time. ESC? The letters stand for Eurovision Song Contest. That song competition has been going strong since 1956 and was for years known as: Grand Prix Eurovision de la Chanson. Well named in those days when the tune was prominent and not its surround.

Since 2001 the contest, by now increasingly popular even with overseas audiences in Asia and Australia, is called ESC. From May 9 to 13, men, women and the rest of 42 countries will participate in the Eurovision Song Contest, which will be held this year and for the second time in Kiev. On TV the ARD will show the final on May 13 from 9 pm onward. Live streams of the final and the two semi-finals can be seen and heard on the channel.
Instead of watching it at home, the show, which has been for years a career kick for upcoming stars, is more than ever celebrated as a pub, open-air or hall event. The biggest celeb in the capital will probably take place at Hofbräu Berlin.

Kick off in the evening, and then the suspense at the ESC show from and with Nina Queer will rise until midnight. Queer, who can be seemingly “shameless” and also at times dishes out “bout 60 euros at Aldi” as she likes to let us know on Facebook/NinaQueer, allegedly caught – its said, during a recent furniture purchase – a “throat clap” (quoting Bild, 31.3.2017) . We from WELTEXPRESS wish her good recovery – and hope to hear her soon at Hofbräu Berlin, Karl-Liebknecht-Straße 30, 10178 Berlin.

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