On-board with Stena Line where everyone deserves a break

© Stena Line

Berlin, Germany (Weltexpress). Finding the right cruise line that offers the best package and experience can be a test in patience, but what you will find with Stena Line meets all the criteria for “easy does it” perfection.

A Swedish company operating in northern europe not only provides great cruises, but is involved in transport, real estate, financing and more. With 164 million plus passengers, 38 ships, on 22 routes and operating in nine countries Stena Line spells success.

The company started started sailing in 1962. Since then, Stena Line has created a vision for success by creating the perfect balance – business convenience coupled with excellent holiday travel.

Historically, starting in Göteborg – Skagen while reaching out to Oslo, Holland, Kiel, England and Poland the ever expanding Stena Line now has excellent connections that stretches across Ireland, Great Britain, Netherlands, Denmark, Poland, Norway, Sweden, Latvia and Germany. Stena has become a major player on the high seas with 16 daily routes between nine major countries.

Attractive cruises and transport opportunities with cost efficient delivery and ideal travel destinations for family and business travellers is what customers are looking for.

Comfortable travel in northern europe with flexible pricing, exciting on-board activities, spacious cabins and ideal partnerships in every port leads to perfect holiday and business related experience.

Stena Line offers a wonderful way to travel – a cruise line experience is special – leave your stress on the highways, feel fit when arriving at your destination and treat yourself to a deserved break.

Weltexpress Travel & Gourmet highly recommends a Stena Line experience – for exciting seasonal rates and destination packages contact their representatives.

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