Sarah, may I dance merrily with you into May? – Let the Bavarian beer flow as we enjoy “Flottn 3er” at Hofbräu Berlin

May Dance with the Helene-Fischer-Double Sarah and "Flottn 3er" at HofbräuBerlin. © Bayerische Wirtshaus Berlin GmbH

Berlin, Germany (Weltexpress). Soon the time for all will be here once again. Religious, political and cultural events are on the very doorstep. As a rule, celebrations begin with Walpurgis, the night when whips tinge and bonfires flame up high.

However, why not dance happily instead of burning witches in the country or lighting up limousines in the city on Mayday. For example, maybe save our sole good or more so by accepting an invitation of Hofbräu Berlin to dance into May, accompanied by life music.

Take it for granted that in a Bavarian inn with Bavarian buffet and live music from six o’ clock onward not only Maibowle but also Maibock is served. “To celebrate the day we’re opening a 55-liter Maibock barrel,” reveals Marcel Werner, in charge of the premises at Karl-Liebknecht-Strasse 30 of Bayerische Wirtshaus Berlin GmbH.

Sarah should get you reeling and feeling swell, for Werner announces her as a “real” Helene Fischer double. And to treble that, the party band “Flottn3er” from Dachau near Munich will speed up not only the spending mood on the river Spree. Gee, spread the tale and come in crowds to the gala in Hofbräu Berlin.

Advance ticket sale open! For more information, visit

Hofbräu Berlin, Karl-Liebknecht-Straße 30, 10178 Berlin, Germany

May Dance, Sunday, April 30, 2017, from 6 pm until maybe Mayday

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