Will troops of the US Empire invade Afghanistan again?

GIs. Source: Pixabay

Washington, USA (Weltexpress). Republican Senator Lindsey Graham has been ramping up calls to impeach US President Joe Biden over the hectic troop pullout from Afghanistan, insisting that the “derelict” commander-in-chief had “ignored sound advice” in relation to the withdrawal operation.

Lindsay Graham, senior United States senator from South Carolina and a member of the Republican Party, believes that American troops will return to Afghanistan despite the chaotic military withdrawal from the country that was completed on 30 August.

“We will be going back to Afghanistan as we went back into Iraq and Syria,” Graham said in an interview with BBC.

Graham said: “Here is my solution: help the resistance in the Panjshir valley, the Taliban will not be able to govern Afghanistan, they are hated by the Afghan people. What’s gonna happen over time as you see the resistance rise? ISIS* will come after the Taliban large and the entire country is going to fracture in the next year, creating a perfect storm for Western interests to be attacked.”

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