Particulars: Christoph(er) Merten(-Prescott)

Forlorn folk or Barbary research work. © Kleifges / scenariò

Bishop’s Stortford, UK (Weltexpress). Christoph(er) Merten(-Prescott), born in Bremen, grew up in Britain where his parents were foreign correspondents and went to school there (Old Newportonian).

He studied Ethnology at LMU Munich University and was involved in Third World politics, founding a magazine and a retail business. Later he headed the PR department of a number of destinations and worked on bi-national projects as the ‘Shannon-Erne Link’, and in the field of sustainable tourism – a special interest that he never lost. Together with Slow Food and products of small-scale manufacture these are in focus as topics for his occupation as an editor and author – also healthy living as editor-in-chief of ‘Wellness & Care’ of old. CMP wrote and compiled more than 60 publications, as author and co-, from travel guides for the ADAC and MERIAN up to insight readers for Rowohlt. At Münzenberg Medien he donates his lines of thought as editor in chief of the English edition and as a contributor to the German editions of Weltexpress, Kulturexpresso and Magazin des Reisens, is editor of Gastrosofie as well as Spatianer and helps out to get new mags going. He runs ‘scenariò redaktionsbüro’ and as part of a team ‘scenariò audiovisual journeys’ and is in charge of “FairTravel”, a radio programme on air all about sustainable tourism. Apart from that, he is as a scout for agencies and publishers in tourism always on the look out for opportunities.

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