The lure of and lust for lush meat is now a craze in Kreuzkölln – Grand opening of the Filetstück Pigalle

The Filetstück Pigalle just before door closing Sunday night in Berlin. © Münzenberg Medien, photo: Stefan Pribnow, 2016

Berlin, Germany (Weltxpress). Red light used to lead followers of feminine flesh inside to take their pick. Now Jack the Ripper could carve his way easily through a well-done shoulder or along a leg of lamb maybe. What used to be quite a bit of a brothel has now been completely transformed into a new Filetstück where guests really do go for dry-aged. Meat, I mean. Matthias Martens, the proprietor warmly welcomed more and more friends who were happy to join in and celebrate. So did we, and needless to say stayed a long time, although we were certainly not the last to leave.

Mr Martens not only runs the new “Filetstück Pigalle” but also the “Filetstück – Das Urgstein” in Prenzlauer Berg and the “Filetstück – Das Gourmetstück” (said to be candidate for a Michelin rosette). Three different types of restaurant as far as set-up and design go, but having one thing in common: the best meat in town, serving it always with lust in a friendly atmosphere.

Since March 1, addicts of real good chunks are hosted in the Kiez of Kreuzkölln near the Paul-Lincke-Ufer. The Pigalle used to be a “Tanzlokal mit Anbahnung” – something impossible to translate. (Well, the Allies fraternised there with nice German girls of sorts.) Anyway, now it’s a restaurant ‘under supervision’ of Jana Wagner with Martin Harder as chef in the open kitchen preparing hearty steaks and side dishes at their best. What about celebrating with fine meat and good friends in the Pigalle then? You can look up the culinary German by regarding the sketch on the wall at the back…

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Filetstück Pigalle, Sanderstraße 17, 12047 Berlin, Phone: 030 23939663, email:

Opening times: Monday to Saturday from noon to 10:30 pm

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