Cheers to the beer and the four funny fellows at “Hofbräu Berlin goes Comedy”

© Bayerisches Wirtshaus Berlin GmbH

Berlin, Germany (Weltexpress). On Saturday, February 11, 2017, “Hofbräu Berlin goes Comedy” will be on show at the beer parlour on Karl-Liebknecht-Straße in the midst of Berlin. John Schroeder, Osan Yaran, Jochen Prang and Ben Schmid are on stage to ensure that merrymaking makes its mark that evening, and they will stay on board up to the very end.

But certainly eating and drinking in the usual fashion will be going on even before the comedians make everybody laugh. Eating and drinking in the Bavarian way of live, with lots of Lederhosen and Dirndl at your service. With quite a bit of comedy on top of it as a special treat.

Johannes Schröder is a frustrated teacher who has changed sides and now lashes out. Entertaining, the winner of Quatsch Comedy Clubs talent forge tells us about everyday life at school.

Osan Yaran is best known as a Lidl employee from “Nuhr ab 18” and the RTL comedy pub. He provides eloquent insights into the life of his Turkish family.

Jochen Prang who grew up in the 1980s, reached puberty in the 1990s and, presently confronted with the technique delusion of the here and now asks, as a radio host, the right questions. If he has any answers, well, we will see.

Ben Schmid, the newcomer of the evening, has already played on several big stages. With his absurd funny stories and his feeling for good sense of humour he will know to entertain.

We from the WELTEXPRESS will feature these humorous four at the Hofbräu Berlin afterwards.

Tickets are available at for 14 euros or at the door of Hofbräu Berlin for 16 euros. For reservation, please make use of the keyword “comedy”.

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