Photo report: Hotel Danieli – legendary palace of Venice

The famous Danieli façade is shines with 600 year old Gothic splendour. © Photo: Peter Hanneberg

Venice, Italy (Weltexpress). Danieli is a true palace hotel for those who love Venice history and luxury. Next door to Piazza San Marco, it offers splendid rooms, exceptional cuisine and a roof terrace overlooking the lagoon and Riva degli Schiavoni.

More text in the report “Hotel Danieli – legendary palace of Venice” by Peter Hanneberg & Sandy Eime.

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Peter Hanneberg
Peter Hanneberg, a Swedish seasoned journalist on high-end travel & environment, is also an awarded professional photographer, and author to many books. His academic background includes journalism, biologi, and natural sciences at Stockholm University. He was the editor-in-chief of two international magazines on sustainability and environment, and is a trustee of WWF-Sweden's Advisory Council chaired by HM King Carl XVI Gustaf of Sweden. He founded the Swedish Ecotourism Society in 1996, and has done travel writing and hotel reviewing for many years.


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