First its “fools in Lederhosen” at Carnival, then its children’s brunch Fasching – go for festivity and food to Hofbräu Berlin

Fools in leather pants! Carnival at Hofbräu Berlin. © Bayerisches Wirtshaus Berlin GmbH

Berlin, Germany (Weltexpress). First Carnival, then Fasching. In the Hofbräu Berlin there’s a party on the program again – for all sizes, and whatever you might call or however you will celebrate the Fifth Season, which is named Carnival by some and Fasching around the Hofbräuhaus, and lasts at least until the fasting season begins on Ash Wednesday for those of strong Christian faith. And for heathens who abide to the bible time schedule – if only to feel free for a bit of feasting in bleak February. Catholics are as always much better at it then protestants and alike, so happily for us now, Hofbräu takes the festive mood from Bavarian Munich to Prussian Berlin or to the tourist and multilingual capital of Germany.

Loads of feasting and heaps of food are waiting for all the “fools in leather pants” who are invited to the Berlin Carnival Party at the Hofbräu Berlin this Saturday, February 25, 2017, starting at 6pm. Pancakes, for non-Berliner “Berliner”, are not missing. Live music and a dance program of “Narrengilde Berlin” is part of the action. Guests could win with classy costumes say the organizers of the “Lederhosen” Carnival Party – and not only vouchers for brunch and beer, but also a table for ten at the “Wies’n” this year. Those who know the prices at Oktoberfest in Munich will try to design a most eye-catching costume. Come on, the choice is yours!

Next day, on Sunday, February 26th, 2017, the children’s brunch Fasching party with Christian Bahrmann will continue until 3pm from 10am onwards. Enough time then to eat, drink and be merry. Just Wonderful! All this then and much more at: Hofbräu Berlin, Karl-Liebknecht-Strasse 30, D-10178 Berlin.

Reservations by telephone at 030 679665520 or via e-mail to are still possible.

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